Lost in translation over California skies
The last time I saw my father Jack Spackman was December 2002 in San Francisco. It was a turbulent time in US history, the country still reeling from the attack on the World Trade Centre […]
The last time I saw my father Jack Spackman was December 2002 in San Francisco. It was a turbulent time in US history, the country still reeling from the attack on the World Trade Centre […]
When it comes to Vietnam War photographers, Tim Page is about as legendary as it gets. He’s the one who went to war on a motorbike and, against all odds, survived – three times alone […]
Every child needs an extraordinary aunt. If Nature fails to provide, one must invent or appoint one. Mine was Aunty Joan. Strictly speaking she was my dad’s cousin, and therefore an Aunt by Appointment. But […]
The numbers of foreign journalists in Hong Kong ebbed and flowed to the tides of the war in Vietnam so it’s fitting, and not entirely uncoincidental, that the Hong Kong Press Club was opened in […]
It will shock you, I know, to learn that Your Girl Reporter is not averse to the occasional act of thievery. Every so often I am reminded of past misdeeds which trouble my conscience to […]
The image of the body of a little boy washed up on a Turkish beach was widely credited for the change of heart which briefly swept even Australia into a more compassionate response to the wave […]
While some journalists defend the indefensible, others are out there reporting on it and too often losing their lives in the process.
Copyright: Maria Spackman