Is it just me or is everyone feeling a tad more optimistic with the pending arrival of the Year of the Dog? And why not? According to Chinese Astrology, Dog brings honesty, courage, generosity – all the things not so much on display in our tiny-fingered Vulgarian-in-Chief.
Yes, Donald Trump was born in the Year of the Dog but for the next 12 months, we have the countervailing influence of a bigger canine at play. Join me for a romp through what we may expect in the Lunar Year of the Dog. Bring a ball. And treats. It will be fun.
So what can we expect in 2018? The Year of the Rooster was dominated by our leaders concentrating on their own barnyards – shoring up populist support, putting the interests of their own countries first and, worryingly, getting belligerent about it.
The Dog, in contrast, is an ethical and idealistic sign and over at Astrology Club they reckon the year will bring increased social awareness and more concern for the less powerful members of society.
They’re predicting a widespread rise in generosity and selflessness under the watchful eye of the Dog, with its keen sense of right and wrong. Call me an old leftie, but that sounds like a good thing.
We cannot, unfortunately, in making our predictions ignore one of the biggest obstacles to our glorious Star Trek future, so let’s turn our attention to that bad dog Trump and what it might mean for him to meet his birth animal.
When Dog meets Dog, it’s not a good sign from the traditional view of Chinese horoscopes. The disappointment, self-condemnation and negative thinking keep coming to your mind – Master Tsai, Chinese Fortune Calendar
According to Master Tsai, Your Girl Reporter’s favourite online astrologist, it’s a bit of a jinx when a Dog meets another Dog.
To understand why, we need to think about what characteristics are represented by the ruling animal of the year, and how it would interact with the birth animal of the individual in question if it turns up in its patch.
We’ve already discussed the twisted puppy that is Donald Trump, in last year’s analysis of the Year of the Rooster, and observed that he does not appear to represent the higher ideals of his birth animal.

The Painter and his Pug – a good dog called Trump, with his owner William Hogarth.
Instead, Trump is the Overly Pessimistic Dog, always barking up a storm about doom and gloom and stewing in his own state of depression.
So when our black dog meets the astrological Top Dog, Master Tsai advises a cautious approach, to keep quiet and try not to attract attention. Trump could be in for a bad year. And he doesn’t react well when things don’t go his way.
Since that’s quite a big deal for humanity, what are some of the ways 2018 could bite him? And what does Chinese Astrology have to tell us about some of the key players in the tragi-comedy ahead?
We all know that Trump’s finding the job a little harder than expected, with the skills he brought to his fantasy boardroom on Celebrity Apprentice not really translating into the needs of an effective management style for a country.
Both Master Tsai and the Astrology Clubbers recommend teamwork. Dogs working together get things done. The best those born under the Dog sign can expect this year is to keep things steady by working in partnership. This is not a year to be throwing your weight around.
Master Tsai further warns that Top Dogs who don’t keep themselves busy should pay attention to the security of their position.
The guy in charge of keeping Trump contained and, er, busy is John Kelly, his chief-of-staff, born in a Tiger year. He can expect a year of opportunities and good prospects, promotion or a welcome career change. Will he, too, be heading for the exit in the Year of the Dog? Or do Kelly’s opportunities lie, with his fellow generals, in consolidating their power behind the throne?

When it comes to legal issues, Master Tsai warns Dogs they will encounter a strong opponent in a case they can expect will continue for a long time. It would have been better to avoid the situation which has caused the problem in the first place but, since you’re in it, Master Tsai advises Dogs to control their temper and seek reconciliation.
Robert Mueller, who nicely fits the bill as Trump’s nemesis, is a Monkey – another sign which traditionally gets on with the Dog. So while the times do not necessarily suit Trump, they should be good for Monkeys like Mueller, who can expect to work hard and ultimately succeed.
But Astrology Club also warns Monkeys to watch their backs – someone at work may be trying to stab you…

Ah! L’Amour! So many possibilities to choose from but, since space is limited, let’s go for the current Mrs Trump. And, interestingly, Melania is also born under a Dog sign. She is a Metal Dog, while Trump is a Fire Dog. And it’s an Earth Dog Year. Yes, it’s time to dig a little deeper into Chinese Astrology and consider the Elements.
There are five – Water and Wood are in short supply for the First Couple in 2018, who combine Fire and Metal. The Earth Dog brings a degree of good fortune to both but nothing to tweet about.
Astrology Club says it’s a ‘so-so’ year for Dogs in Love, who may feel a little lonely at times in 2018, with no one to confide in. Master Tsai says it’s a year for friendship between dogs, rather than a love relationship. Nevertheless, married Dogs can expect a calm and stable year. For Melania’s sake, I hope so.

Much has been made recently of the President’s habits and their potential impact on his health. Master Tsai advises Dogs to be particularly mindful of their stomachs and digestive systems and to go light on the sugar.
He also recommends plenty of outdoor exercise and fresh air for a healthy Dog, so maybe Trump should consider spending a little more time on the golf course. For all our sakes, that may just be the best place for him.
Further reading:
There are so many books and websites dedicated to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac but I have quoted from just two, Astrology Club and Chinese Fortune Calendar
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