Hong Kong 1967: Christmas Day at Statue Square with the Spackman family
This is my first Hong Kong Christmas in a long time, so it’s only right that we revisit a day out spent with my family on our first Christmas Day in Hong Kong in 1967. […]
This is my first Hong Kong Christmas in a long time, so it’s only right that we revisit a day out spent with my family on our first Christmas Day in Hong Kong in 1967. […]
The Year of the Dog promised opportunity for those born in the sign of Tiger and the noble hound has been good to Your Girl Reporter, still reeling from the enormous change in circumstances of […]
Almost from the moment we arrived in Hong Kong in 1967 my father Jack Spackman was working as a stringer, most regularly for Australia’s Fairfax newspapers. A stringer is a locally based correspondent who may […]
Moustaches are sprouting everywhere and it’s all about Men’s Health. The Movember movement began, as many good ideas do, with a bunch of blokes in a pub back in 2002. Today, it’s a leading fundraiser […]
The story of the Battle of Hastings in 1066 is well known, and not just among the English. Your Girl Reporter heard all about it at Kennedy Road Junior School in Hong Kong. We made […]
As a left-hander, I automatically offend my fellow diners when it comes to how I wield my chopsticks. Many a meal would begin with Dad complaining that he was sitting on the wrong side of […]
The longer you live in Hong Kong, the more impressive becomes your Typhoon Tally, an essential component of your credentials, to be wheeled out as required. Only the big ones count. It’s Signal 10 (hurricane […]
Horses were everything in the 1940s when my dad Jack and his cousin, my Extraordinary Aunty Joan, were growing up in rural New South Wales, Australia. They were work, transport and recreation, but of all […]
While my father Jack Spackman was visiting churches and orphanages for his Catholic Weekly article, his wife Margaret and mother Doris joined a sightseeing tour, which included a visit across the border into the Chinese […]
Just a few months after arriving in Hong Kong in 1967, my parents Jack and Margaret Spackman visited Macau for a taste of what might be to come. The storm clouds of China’s Cultural Revolution […]
Copyright: Maria Spackman